At HC Eindhoven we value a safe, respectful environment for all our members, from youth players to volunteers. The Confidential Contact Person (VCP) and the Confidential Advisor play a crucial role in providing support for undesirable behavior and integrity issues. The protocol below explains when and how you can approach the VCP or Confidential Advisor.
The VCP is the first point of contact within the association for anyone with questions, suspicions, complaints or reports about transgressive behavior (GOG). You can approach the VCP if you want to share your story confidentially, need advice or are looking for emotional support.
1) First aid:
2) Discuss next steps:
3) Lifting of confidentiality:
4) Reporting to the board:
5) Reporting:
You can approach the VCP for advice, support, or to report transgressive behavior. The VCP works in close consultation with you.
Confidential contact person: [vacancy]
Email address:
The VCP determines a location for the conversation in consultation with the reporter. In practice, this is often done by telephone and, where necessary, a physical meeting is held.
If you cannot reach the confidential contact person or if you need further support, you can always contact the Confidential Advisor. The Confidential Advisor works independently of the association and offers advice on formal complaints procedures or legal steps. Confidentiality with the Confidential Advisor is stricter and more focused on a national level. The VP acts as a sounding board for the VCP and can, if necessary, take over the process.
Confidential advisor HC Eindhoven: Miriam Dhonré
Phone number: 06-49751715
E-mail address:
Not present on location. The conversations are held outside HC Eindhoven.
With this protocol we want to make clear what members of HC Eindhoven can expect from the Confidential Contact Person and Confidential Person and how they can approach them in case of undesirable behavior and integrity issues. The goal is to create a safe and respectful environment in which everyone feels comfortable and heard. It is of great importance that all conversations and information are treated with the utmost care and confidentiality. Our goal is to guarantee a safe sports environment for all our members.
Marathonloop 5
5624 MC Eindhoven
Tel. 040-2482367
KvK 40238407