During the winter break, the KNHB organizes an indoor competition. Within HCE it has been decided that the junior youth and senior teams can participate in the indoor competition.
The organization of the indoor competition is provided by the indoor committee and the referee committee. The hall committee is in direct contact with the line coordinators. Just as with the field competition, the line coordinators take care of communication with the teams (coaches, managers) and then ensure that the hall committee receives the necessary information on time.
Registrations must be submitted to the KNHB in mid-September. This means that it must be indicated immediately at the start of the field competition whether a team will participate in the indoor competition.
Before the start of the indoor competition, the indoor committee organizes an information evening for coaches and managers.
HCE provides 4 training sessions of 1 hour for each indoor team. An attempt is made to plan the first indoor training for each team before the start of the indoor competition. The other training sessions are planned as well as possible (if possible on the same day/time as the field training), but the room committee is dependent on the available rooms and times offered by the municipality of Eindhoven. The training hours are requested as early as May, but associations that train in the hall all year round take precedence and there are fewer and fewer rooms available within the municipality. It is possible to exchange training moments, but this must be communicated with the line coordinator.
If the planned team does not show up, the hall costs (in addition to the mandatory contribution) will be charged to the team. If the team is unable to train, please inform the line coordinator no later than 2 days prior to the training. The line coordinator can then see whether another team can use the reserved room.
During the training the same balls, cones and vests are used as for the field training.
You can find the training sessions for the 2024-2025 season here.
The competitions are planned by the KNHB from December 7, 2023 to February 16, 2024. HCE cannot influence the planning of the competitions. The competition schedule is expected to be announced in mid-November. Keep an eye on the website, LISA or match center for this.
The matches are played in a three-part format. So there are 3 matches planned in a competition block. For example, Team A, B and C must play:
Team A is the home team and plays the 1st and 3rd match.
During the 2nd match, team B plays a home match (at another club).
The association of team A is the organized association and arranges ushers, referees and competition table.
HCE arranges 1 referee for the 3-part match that is played at home. The 2nd referee must arrange the team himself. The whistle must be blown during all 3 matches. During important matches such as championship matches, it is not wise to let a parent from your own team blow the whistle.
A match lasts 2 x 20 minutes and is scheduled one after the other. Time may not be stopped during a match.
The name of the referee arranged by the team must be passed on to the referee committee as soon as possible. Unfortunately, there is no referee pool to fall back on.
The refereeing of the matches in age:
The referees committee has the right not to assign referees if it is not justified.
A referee card is required to whistle in the hall.
For the costs for participating in the indoor competition, see Membership Contribution. An amount has been set per team. This is an amount per registered indoor team. The individual amount therefore depends on the number of players in a team.
Report the results immediately after the match (ask the referees). If this is not done in time, a fine will follow.
Before the start of the indoor competition, consult at least the rules regarding eligibility to play with another team and the rules of the game.
Marathonloop 5
5624 MC Eindhoven
Tel. 040-2482367
KvK 40238407