Before the start of each half of the season, we organize a second-hand clothing fair at the club. A fair for all hockey clothing that has become too small or is no longer needed. In addition to clothing, there are also hockey sticks, socks and other accessories for sale. So score a nice product for a nice price and / or hand in your (too small) hockey clothing / materials for sale.
On the day of the fair, you must hand in your labeled sales items at the club between 9:30 and 10:30 am.
The following items can be submitted: HOCKEY clothing, (HCE) shirt, (HCE) skirt/trousers, training pants/jacket, hoodies, hockey shoes (field/indoor), shin/hand protectors, sticks, hockey bags.
Please do not return anything that is broken, unwashed, discoloured or dated and shirts and clothing with the old sponsors on them. You return these according to the instructions that belong to the ClubHub.
Clearly indicate on the label whether you want to collect the unsold clothing after the fair or whether you donate it to the club. If you want the clothing back after the fair, it is necessary that you put 'RETURN' on it. You can then collect it the same day between 14:30 and 15:30, if it has not been sold. If you do not collect it, the clothing will be sorted later and will go to the ClubHub.
If you want to buy something, you need to app the seller's mobile number yourself to receive a payment request via Tikkie. Or scan the QR code if applicable.
As a seller, you ensure that your items are properly labeled or stickered and that the label or sticker remains in place. If you want to return your unsold clothing, you can pick it up on the same Saturday after the fair (between 14:30 and 15:30). Clothing that remains after this will be donated to a charity as described above.
As a buyer, we assume that you will pay for the products you take with you via Tikkie or the owner's QR code.
HC Eindhoven facilitates the clothing fair. We ensure that during the clothing fair the items are well sorted and are lying/hanging in the correct size. We do this with a number of volunteers. HCE is not responsible for the payment. The payment is made on the basis of trust between our members. If you buy something, we assume that you will also pay this to the seller. We are not responsible for the loss/damage of the products.
For articles that do not include contact details, the (free) proceeds will be donated to the club.
Example Label with data for tikkie / QR payment to owner. Add an R for RETURN.
Marathonloop 5
5624 MC Eindhoven
Tel. 040-2482367
KvK 40238407