Dear parents/guardians,
Sinterklaas is almost in the country.
This means that in addition to all the parties at school and at home, we will of course not let this pass us by at the hockey club.
We have received a letter from Sinterklaas. He writes that unfortunately he does not have time to visit the hockey club this year. However, he does have an important question for us.
His helpers will participate in a major hockey tournament in the summer of 2024 and Sinterklaas has now heard that HC Eindhoven has a lot of talent on the mini campus and youngest youth.
He then asks if we can let the Piets watch the exercises we do during training. After we have trained together with the Piets, we will of course conclude with a game of HCE vs the Piets.
We at HC Eindhoven are of course going to show those Piets what real hockey is.
To achieve this, we ask all trainers and coaches to prepare extra well for this.
Event date: December 3
Time schedule: 10:30 AM to 1:00 PM
The children are taken care of by trainers and organization, we start with a warm-up at the clubhouse, then we will go to the field to do a number of exercises and conclude with a match against the Piets.
Afterwards we gather in the clubhouse for a nice cup of hot chocolate and something to nibble on. The Piets will also be present.
There will also be a photographer walking around during the day. If your child prefers not to be in the photo, a vest can be put on, so that it is clear to the photographer that he/she is not allowed to be in the photo.
For mini-campus members who do not yet have their own stick, these can be borrowed just like during the mini-campus itself.
It promises to be a fantastic day full of fun and hockey!!
You can register via:
Please state your first and last name, age and whether your child is a mini campus member or the team in which your child plays.
If your child would like to borrow a stick, we would also like to hear this when registering.
Do you want to bring a boyfriend or girlfriend? That's allowed! Put it in the registration and provide sports clothes and if possible... a stick ;)
With sporty greetings,
The events committee
Marathonloop 5
5624 MC Eindhoven
Tel. 040-2482367
KvK 40238407